

The closest Airport and Dock are those in Olbia

Olbia Airport

Olbia Harbor (Genova, Civitavecchia, Livorno, Piombino)

Connections with Olbia Airport: DEPLANO AUTOLINEE E TURISMO

By bus from the ports and airports you can travel with the ARST, but first of all you must reach Nuoro (Bus Station) or one of the bus stops in the various towns: See the timetables for informations

By Car: It’s about 100Km (take SS131 DCN 4 lanes road, or taking the SS125 Orientale Sarda 2 lanes with a panoramic view)

For additional information contact the Pro Loco offices at the number 0784.96243 or the information office of Cala Gonone at +39 0784 93696

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